Working on fertility and prenatal health is what we do best at Sage Wellness.
For over two decades we fine-tuned our care to support our patients in their incredible journey towards parenthood. However sometimes this road can be a bit bumpy… filled with challenges, questions and possibly disappointment. We don’t want you to suffer through this time, we want you to bloom and manifest into the goddess you are!
This should feel like a time of empowerment and self-discovery, and we are here to bring you to that magical place.
We realize each case is complicated with their own intricate story. We know it can be overwhelming to self-advocate and make decisions around what will be best for your fertility health. We now have offerings to provide you with one-on-one care, via telemedicine or phone, to discuss your case in great detail.
Are you confused with what foods can be helpful for fertility, during IVF, or in early pregnancy?
Do you have food sensitivities, allergies or other restrictions that make it even more difficult? This is a great way to create an exciting plan that can strengthen your body with powerful nutrients.
Best of all it is completely customized specifically to you.
This appt includes 45 minute call with Dr. Yvette Ward.
- Covers all aspects of your current diet
- Address dietary restrictions, food sensitivities and specific nutrient needs
- We will customize with foods and flavors you like!
- We will take into consideration your lifestyle, medical diagnosis and family history
- We will incorporate meal planning steps
After the call Dr. Yvette will spend additional time creating this Nutrition Power Packet specific to you!
You will be sent a customized Nutrition Plan which includes
- A beautiful color packet with 7-day Meal Plan schedule, two snacks and three meals
- Easy to follow grocery list for stress free shopping and easy prep
- Each recipe detailed with photos, nutrient content and easy to follow steps
Fertility Coaching and Case Review
Are you stuck or confused with your current Fertility Plan?
Fertility Coaching is a great way to address any area of concern regarding your journey towards pregnancy. Whether it be working on a plan of action with a doctor or addressing personal areas such as diet, lifestyle, physical and/or mental health. We can review your lab results and discuss your options from both a Western and Eastern approach.
This includes a 45 minute call with Dr. Yvette Ward, as well as additional time spent creating a specialized summary of recommendations and next steps for your specific case. You will receive a customized overview in PDF format. This appointment can also be considered a New Patient Fertility intake and allow you to book follow up acupuncture at a later date if you choose.
- One on one Telemedicine or Call
- Comprehensive review your case, goals and concerns
- Review of menstrual history, fertility history, any western diagnosis and all labs
- Review of current Nutrition, Supplements and Preferences
- Detailed Treatment Plan which will allow for booking of Follow-Up Acupuncture sessions at Sage
- Recommendations of supplements, herbs and lifestyle
- Custom referrals if needed for more support, testing or case review