Traditional Chinese Medicine has a history of using herbal remedies for thousands of years. We often times think of our herbs as the Pharmaceuticals of Chinese Medicine. Over the centuries, the practice of herbal medicine therapy has become sophisticated and accepted mainstream. Recently, large amounts of Western medical research had been published of TCM confirming the efficacy of TCM herbs.

Chinese Herbal formulas work best when they are customized to the needs of each individual patient. This takes a trained and experienced herbalist to create a safe and effective herbal formula. At Sage Wellness Center, we are one of the few TCM offices in our area to have a full custom herbal pharmacy and licensed herbalists to create custom blends. These herbal formulas are made in a powder form, that is added to hot water, and consumed as a tea. For those seeking a more “on the go” way of taking Chinese Medical Herbs, we also offer pre-made herbal tinctures and pills.

herbal medicine on table wellness support


Did you know all supplements are not regulated by FDA? This means the manufacturers can be labeled and make claims without any testing to insure quality, strength or safety. At Sage, we provide only the highest quality supplements that are referred to as “Pharmaceutical Grade”. Our Pharmaceutical Grade supplements are lab tested and guaranteed to be safe and effective. Our team is able to assess your lab results, nutritional information and health goals to select effective supplements that will support your health goals.

health supplements wellness suport


Incorporating Diet and Nutrition is a vital part of anyones health and wellness regime. Selecting proper foods can strengthen your constitution and harmonize imbalances. Diet and nutrition can be a very powerful form of medicine in itself. We regularly review and suggest ideas of recipes, foods and drinks that can be therapeutic. This has been shown to accelerate healing and improve overall quality of life.


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